Unclaimed Property

If you have received a notice from the State of California or found an unclaimed property from the California State Controller’s website, please submit the following documentations in order to claim your funds:

  1. A valid Identification (examples: Government issued driver’s license, State ID or Military ID).
  2. A copy of the notice from the State of California (see Sample 1, or Sample 2 - Spanish version) or a print-out of the unclaimed property information from the California State Controller’s website (see Sample 3).
  3. Proof of ownership, a document showing your association with the reported address (not current address) listed on the notice from the State of California (examples: previous utility bill, tax bill, bank statement, address history page from a credit report or any mail with your name and the reported address listed).
  4. Current address where you would like us to send the refund check.

  5.  If you are claiming on behalf of a business, please also provide documents associating you with the business (examples: business card or company badge).

  6. If the owner of the unclaimed property is deceased, please send documents showing that you are the executor of the estate or a death certificate with your name listed as the informant.

Documents can be submitted via email (UnclaimedFunds@sempra.com(link sends email)), fax (619) 696-2450, or by mail to the address listed below:

Company Name (Sempra, San Diego Gas & Electric or Southern California Gas)
Attn: Thomas Gordy
488 8th Avenue, ML HQ07S2
San Diego, CA  92101

All claims and complete supporting documents received by May 31, 2025 will be processed; claims received after May 31, 2025 will not be processed. Any unprocessed claims are required by law to be remitted to the State of California for safekeeping; your funds will remain with the State of California until you contact the State to claim your funds.

Once we receive all required documents, please allow 30 days for processing.

More information

Unclaimed Property Program via voicemail or via email